- For research in the areas of:
The Contemporary Middle East
The Contemporary Global South (Africa, Asia, Latin America) - And for research on the themes of:
Advancement and Maintenance of Peace
Peace Economics
Media, Conflict and Peace
Preference will be given to research in these fields that focuses on the Middle East and the Global South since the late 20th century. Grant Amount: up to $15,000
The fellowships are intended for those who hold a PhD degree by 1.10.2015 and up to five years after receiving their doctorate. Only candidates who have submitted their doctoral thesis by 31.12.2014 may apply.
Applications can be made for a full year or half a year. For further information, please e-mail or call Andrea at the Truman Institute: truman@savion.huji.ac.il or 972-2-588-2300
Closing date for applications: 31.12.2014. Guidelines for submitting research proposals can be found here