Mar26The Souls of Jewish FolkThe Dodd Center for Human Rights4:00 PM
James M. Thomas, author of The Souls of Jewish Folk: W.E.B. du Bois, Antisemitism, and the Color Line and Associate Professor of Sociology at University Mississippi will be leading a book talk, followed by discussion and light refreshments in person at UConn’s Konover Auditorium or via Zoom. This hybrid event is sponsored by the Gene and Georgia Mittelman Lecture in Judaic Studies fund.
Mar27Literature of the Post-Soviet Jewish Diaspora5:30 PM
Ellen Litman, Associate Professor of English and Associate Director of the Creative Writing Program at UConn, will have a conversation with students about the literature of the post-Soviet Jewish diaspora. She is the author of Mannequin Girl, The Last Chicken in America, and many published works of fiction and nonfiction.
Apr2Filthy, UnAmerican, and Dangerous in Their HabitsThe Dodd Center for Human Rights4:00 PM
Kirsten Fermaglich, Professor of History and Jewish Studies at Michigan State University will give a lecture entitled “Filthy, UnAmerican and Dangerous in Their Habits: Antisemitism and the Emergency Quota Act, 1918-1921. This will be a hybrid program at the Konover Auditorium in Dodd Center for Human Rights and via Zoom.
Apr10A Conversation with Maya Arad6:00 PM
Maya Arad is the author of The Hebrew Teacher and twelve books of Hebrew fiction, as well as studies in literary criticism and linguistics from University College London and is the writer in residence at Stanford University’s Taube Center for Jewish Studies.