Want to travel to Israel this summer?

Israel Academic Travel Awards 2015
Congrats to our 2015 awardees of the Israel Academic Travel Awards:
Ryan Norton, a double major in Political Science and Human Rights and Minor in History, who will be spending the summer abroad at the University of Haifa International School.
Alexandra Liner, a Speech language and Hearing Science Major and Minor in Psychology, who will be spending the summer abroad at Onward Israel - and volunteering at Yachdav Women's Shelter, a shelter for women and children who have experienced and escaped domestic violence.
Carsten Witt, a Ph.D. Candidate who will be attending an intensive Hebrew Summer Ulpan Program at Haifa University pursuing the study of Hebrew, as well as pursuing research at three archives in Tel Aviv to advance dissertation research on German Jewish constructions of space.
Global Affairs, Judaic Studies, and Middle East Studies are pleased to announce a competition for four awards for academic study in Israel in the summer of 2015. The deadline for application is April 20, 2015. The competition is open to UConn undergraduate and graduate students.
Each award of $1500 may be used to defray expenses such as airfare and registration costs. Awardees will submit a written summary of their travel experience by September 15, 2015.
Applicants should email the following materials to judaicstudies@uconn.edu by Monday, April 20, 2015 at 5 pm:
- Name, contact information, and status at UConn, including major(s) or field of study
- A resume or summary of activities
- The name, dates, and cost of the academic program the student will attend in Israel. Please indicate whether you have applied and been accepted to the program. If not, indicate when you expect to hear from the program about your application.
- A statement of up to 300 words as to why you want to attend the program and how it would help advance your academic interests.
This program is not open to current seniors graduating in May 2015, or to incoming students. Summer is defined according to the UConn calendar (end of May through end of August).
Questions? Contact judaicstudies@uconn.edu.